The Temple Of My Familiar by Alice Walker


A hardcover edition with cream boards, turquoise spine and gilt lettering and embossed motif on the front board. The dust cover is illustrated and unclipped. There is a blue ink inscription on the inside page. There is some toning throughout but the text is clear and legible. Now in a clear, removable cover to protect from damage.

Ist US edition

Publisher: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York

Publication Date: 1989

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SKU GA000969

In a story spanning 500,000 years, and moving through America, England, and Africa, men, women, and animals share a spiritual world and learn the intricacies of their connecting lives.

It is the story of the dispossessed and displaced, of peoples whose history is ancient and whose future is yet to come. Here we meet Lissie, a woman of many pasts; Arveyda the great guitarist and his Latin American wife who has had to flee her homeland; Suwelo, the history teacher, and his former wife Fanny who has fallen in love with spirits. Hovering tantalisingly above their stories are Miss Celie and Shug, the beloved characters from THE COLOUR PURPLE.

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Weight 0.930 kg