The Secret Chord by Geraldine Brooks


A hard cover edition with cherry red boards, gilt lettering and embossed motif on the cover. There is an illustrated, unclipped dust jacket. Some very slight foxing and toning but the text is clear and legible. Now in a. clear, removable cover to protect from damage.

Publisher: Hachette Australia

Publication Date: 2015

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SKU GA000967
A tale based on the story of King David is set against a backdrop of Second Iron Age Israel and traces his journey from an obscure shepherd to a hero and king before his fall as a murderous despot. By the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of People of the Book. (religious fiction). Simultaneous.

About the Author:

Geraldine Brooks is the author of four novels, the Pulitzer Prize winning “March” and the international bestsellers “Caleb s Crossing,” “People of the Book,” and “Year of Wonders.” She has also written the acclaimed nonfiction works “Nine Parts of Desire” and “Foreign Correspondence.”Her most recent novel, “Caleb s Crossing,” was the winner of the New England Book Award for Fiction and the “Christianity Today” Book Award, and was a finalist for the Langum Prize in American Historical Fiction. Born and raised in Australia, she lives on Martha s Vineyard with her husband, the author Tony Horwitz.”
Additional Information
Weight 0.745 kg