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Caddie – Sydney Barmaid (written by herself) Introduction by Dymphna Cusack


Published by Constable and Company Ltd

First published May 1953

This edition reprinted 1953

Dustjacket is in good condition with scuffed edges.  There is some foxing to page edges.

Very rare in this edition 

In stock

SKU GA000965

“Here is a simple account of how a woman earned her keep and her children’s keep in the bar of one pub after another. e have in microcosm a racket declared to be directly responsible for most of Australia’s social ills and a confirmation of a local judges statement that New South Wales hotelkeepers and liquor interests have become a law unto themselves.”  – Dymphna Cusack


“A moving and most human story – At the age of 24 Caddie left her unhappy home to live in the slums of Sydney. SAnmd she got a job there as a barmaid. Her description of city life among the poor is terrifying. But Caddie fights through it all. Hers is a success story that will make you proud to be a human being. Through loneliness and despair, corruption, hunger and terror she battles like a tiger with her children behind her.”  Nancy Spain

Additional Information
Weight 0.510 kg